Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Disingenuous or Media Illiterate?

The Yeshiva World blog has a post entitled, "Charedi? Have Mental Issues? The IDF Wants You!" He refers to this article from Haaretz reporting that the IDF allowed some Charedim to voluntarily enlist in the Nachal Charedi Netzach-Yehuda Battalion after they admitted that they previously feigned (YW editor, that means they pretended) mental illness in order to dodge the draft.

These enlistees should be commended for realizing their mistake and for courageously entering the armed forces so that they can protect even those who feel zero gratitude toward the heroes who literally sacrifice their lives for their brothers and sisters. I wonder if the YW editor even read the article before posting his foolish entry. I doubt it - bashing Israel makes for a fast and cheap "news" tidbit in the yeshiva velt.

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