Friday, July 20, 2007

Shabbos at the beach?

Before I headed home this afternoon, I said goodbye to a colleague who was off to the Washington, DC area for a weekend with friends. Good for her. It's going to be a gorgeous weekend...and DC sure is nice.

As I stepped out of the elevator and waved a final goodbye to Linda, I thought to myself "It must be nice to go away for the weekend without having to stay indoors and eat cholent." Well, staying indoors isn't a religious requirement, but many who don't hold of (or even acknowledge) an eruv are pretty much stuck inside, especially when they have children too small to walk.

“Nah" one often hears, "the non-religious Jews/goyim don’t know what they’re missing when they don’t have shabbos...."

Really? On the contrary, many frum Jews don’t know what they are missing. Which makes me give credit to those who pine for a "Saturday at the beach" but refrain, betting on an eternity of sunshine and breezes in the world-to-come. They are the ones making a real sacrifice – not those who equate shabbos with paradise...have a good one and enjoy the kugel!

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