Friday, July 6, 2007

*Ignored by Yeshiva World: Pregnant Hasidic woman attacked by stranger

A 21-year old, pregnant Chasidishe woman hitching a ride with a "yungerman" from Williamsburg to Boro Park, sustained injuries and barely escaped when the driver suddenly pulled over and brandished a knife. The young woman reportedly required minor surgery and is in stable condition.

Isn't it time for women to be allowed driving privileges? Men hitch too and not everyone has a car, but if women drove, the chances of a young woman getting into a car driven by a male stranger - even a chasidishe male stranger - would be slim.

(Correction: Yeshiva World covered the story. I don't know how I missed that. I guess I don't read it "religiously." Or maybe I really should learn how to was a mistake to leave limudei chol in yeshiva and learn mishnayos instead ;)

ABC News, Channel 7 reports:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to learn how to read